Thursday, October 25, 2012

Materials for next Week

For next Wed, Oct 31st be sure to bring your nice drawing paper, your conte crayons and pencils and your skull to work from in class.  Please bring one sheet of gray paper as well.  We will start transitioning next week into figure drawing.  Have a great weekend!

Homework Assignment Due Wed, Oct 31st

The homework assignment due next Wednesday is similar to the last one, but two point perspective, like we have been doing in class.  If you can sit outside and do an outdoor drawing that would be ideal.  I know it's starting to get cold out so if you need to do an indoor scene you can.  I would rather you work from life than take a picture, so if you need to work indoors you can do that.  Make sure it is fully rendered (shaded).  You all know how long it takes to shade with pencil, so plan accordingly.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, Oct 24th

Here is an example of the one point perspective for your dorm room or apartment.  Just pick a hallway in the building that you live in.  Remember all of the lines either go to the vanishing point or are 90 degree angles.  Fully render (shade) in pencil.  This is not due until two weeks from now, but you all have seen how long it takes to render with pencil, so you might want to get started early.

Homework for Wednesday, Oct 17th

Here are the two examples for next weeks homework.  Do one point perspective and two point perspective on two separate pieces of paper please.  Here are some tips...

make six to ten boxes
you can use a straight edge for this 
you do not need to write the words vanishing point or horizon line (they are for the example)
pick your horizon line and vanishing point or points first
start light with your lines and then finish them heavier after you're done

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Shoe Contour Due Wednesday, Oct 10th

Here are two examples of the shoe contour.  Use your nice drawing paper and take up the whole page. Remember to vary your line weight (how thick or thin a line is).